
Skill-based slots –...
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Skill-based slots – the future of casino gaming

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Nicole Davidson
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We’re all hoping for a better year next year, but what does 2022 have waiting for online gambling? Skills-based slots, if the experts are correct.

Online slots are still as beloved as ever, both in land-based casinos and online, however trends seem to be suggesting that the popularity of skills-based games is slowly on the rise. And while skills-based table games such as Poker and Blackjack have always been a steadfast presence in reputable casinos, their slots counterparts are fairly new to the game.

So what exactly are skills-based slots games? Well, like traditional slots games they too rely on an RNG for payouts – however they also include a skills-based component that works in tandem with the RNG, helping to influence its outcome. So the more skilled you are at a particular game, the more you could ultimately win.

Currently, skills-based components involve features such as target shooting or entering various key patterns, however there is wide scope for innovation in this space. With more and more people in the 25 to 35-year-old age range demanding games that involve being challenged and engaged, the need for skills-based slots is slowly climbing. Could 2022 be the year that these games make their way into the mainstream? Stay tuned – and start honing your skills just in case!

Happy Spinning 🙂

Nicole Davidson
Illustrious Member
Joined: 8 years ago
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Thanks William 🙂
