Getting to grips with Baccarat variations

Nicola Davidson
Written by
Nicola Davidson on 10/19/2023

There are SO many variations of Baccarat. It’s no secret that we’re always trying to get players to give Baccarat a go. It’s fun, it’s fast-paced, and it’s super simple to play. Plus if it’s good enough for James Bond himself, it’s good enough for you too, right?

Of course, that’s classic Baccarat. And if our begging and pleading have worked. You may have even given it a go yourself a few times. For which we thank you! But what about all the other variations of Baccarat? How well do you know them, and would you be willing to try one or any of them out for yourself? Let’s take a closer look and who knows. You could be tempted to sit down to a hand or two in the very near future.

Baccarat Variations – How to play classic Baccarat

Ok ok we know, we’ve gone over this a million times. But it doesn’t hurt to remind you of the rules one more time before we get to all the variations. Laying a good foundation is essential before you start building your skills further. So let’s recap quickly, shall we?

At its heart, online Baccarat is all about outcomes. Choosing which of the three possible outcomes you think is most likely to take place. Either the Player hand will win, the Banker hand will win, or there will be a Tie between the two of them. Just select one of the three options. And whichever of the Player or the Banker’s hand is closest to 9 (bearing Baccarat’s unique card value system in mind) is the winner. Or if they’re the same value, then a Tie will be declared. That’s literally it. Oh, and bearing in mind that the Tie is the riskiest of all the bets, as it has a significantly higher house edge. Now we’re done, promise.

Our top tip for Baccarat variations

One LAST thing before we start. We mentioned house edge. But it’s worth taking a beat to focus on this, as it’s crucial for your bankroll management. While all the Baccarat variations we’re about to look at have a number of differences between them. One thing remains the same across all – the house edge. And it’s worth bearing these numbers in mind if you want to keep your bankroll as intact as possible:

Banker: 1.06%
Player: 1.24%
Tie: 14.4%

As you can see, the Banker hand is your best bet. While a Tie can be infinitely more challenging to your financial management skills. We’re not saying don’t bet on a Tie. We’re just saying maybe think about it before you do. And on that note, let’s take a look at the first of our Baccarat variations…

More Baccarat Variations – Chemin de Fer

You know how we said that in classic Baccarat. All you have to do is choose an outcome to bet on, then sit back and relax? That’s not quite how things work in Chemin de Fer. But that’s what makes it so exciting! That’s because this version of the game involves players actually shuffling and drawing cards, rather than having the banker do it for them. A switch around that results in players having a certain amount of influence over the outcome of the game. All of which makes things that much more thrilling! No wonder it’s one of the variations of Baccarat most preferred in European casinos.

So how does it actually work? To start with, an auction is held to determine which of the players will take over the banker (or dealer) position. Usually this place goes to the player who makes the highest bet. Once the banker has been chosen, all other players take the Player position. The banker then places the first bet (the maximum allowed at the table) and then play continues clockwise. All players now need to decide how much they are willing to bet, without going over the banker’s bet size. The player who chooses the highest bet then becomes the Player representative for everyone at the table. And this is how the Player and Banker of the game of Baccarat are chosen. Baccarat variations are so fascinating.

From here, the banker shuffles the cards….

And deals two sets of two cards face down. One of these becomes the Banker’s hand, and one becomes the Player’s hand. If a natural 8 or 9 is dealt, the banker will then evaluate the hands. If not, a third card might be dealt to decide a winner. Once a winner is chosen, the winnings are then paid out. With a standard 5% going to the house. Variations like these keep us going.

That’s pretty much it – a game along the same lines as classic Baccarat. Although with a little more involvement from the players. And if you’re someone who enjoys taking responsibility, it could be just the game for you!

Baccarat en Banque

If you’d prefer not to get as involved with the game as Chemin de Fer would have you become. There are plenty of other variations to look at instead. Like Baccarat en Banque. A version that’s closer to classic Baccarat. And one that might make you more comfortable playing. Here you’ll need to get as close as possible to 9. Although this time with three cards rather than two. What’s more, you’ll only be able to bet on the Player hand, not the Banker hand. However here there are two Player hands to choose from. Which means you’ll still have options when it comes to betting. It’s simpler than Chemin de Fer, and you might find it quicker to pick up as well.

Punto Banco

Variations of Baccarat that are so popular – Punto Banco adds a little challenge to the mix. Which could be just the game you’re looking for if you want to up the difficulty level. In fact, Punto Banco is known for being one of the most difficult variations of Baccarat around. So we hope you brought your thinking cap! Why is it such a challenge? Because unlike other versions of Baccarat, Punto Banco relies 100% on chance, which means there’s no opportunity for you to affect the outcome of the game with your skill level or expertise. Which can be difficult if expertise is something you’re used to relying on.

Unlike Chemin de Fer where one player takes over as banker. Here every player has the chance to deal the cards, with the deal moving round the table in order. First a croupier gives instructions at the beginning of the game, then announces ‘cards’. The dealer will then deal, and the Player hand will go to the player with the highest bet. If a hand has a value of 8 or 9 in the first round, it will win instantly, otherwise a third card will be drawn.

A Player’s hand win will be paid out at 1:1, a Tie hand win will be paid out at 8:1, and a Banker’s hand win will have 5% deducted for commission. If that sounds like the kind of game you’d enjoy, then make Punto Banco your next bet!


If you’d prefer to start small, then Mini-Baccarat is probably more your game. A version of American Baccarat played at a Blackjack-sized table. As a smaller game it has fewer player. And here the croupier takes over the action. All the same rules of classic Baccarat apply here too, but you’ll find that as the game is smaller. It moves more quickly, giving it a fast-paced feel and a sense of urgency. If that’s the kind of action you like in your Baccarat, then Mini-Baccarat is most definitely one of the Baccarat variations you will love.

Progressive Baccarat and Super Bacc

Now for something different – Baccarat with a little something on the side. A side bet, that is. In both of these variations, you’ll need to place a side bet or ante before the game begins. Adding an extra element of excitement to your game play. That’s because not only will you have the chance to win according to the cards that come your way, you’ll have an extra bet on top of that as well. Giving you another chance to come out on top. In Progressive Baccarat, that means some or all of the progressive jackpot available. In Super Bacc, it means an extra payout. Either way, it’s more for your money, and more fun too!

Before you get your game on though, make sure to check the rules, as each casino will offer a slightly different version of the games. And you’ll want to ensure you’re always playing the way you should. Also remember, before placing any side bets or any bets at all, you’ll need to check on your bankroll and make sure it’s in good shape. If you can’t afford to place any side bets, rather leave these games for another day, then come back and crush them later when you can afford to!

We hope we’ve given you some food for thought as far as online Baccarat is concerned. And that you’re as excited as we are to try something new. Who knows – the next bet you place could be the big one, and all thanks to Baccarat!


Nicola Davidson

Senior Content Writer

1306 Articles


Nicola Davidson is a content writer with a focus in online gaming. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, she has extensive expertise in casino games, sports betting as well as emerging trends that pop up in the iGaming sector. Content is more than just information. It’s about creating an engaging experience for players. Nicola perfects this by writing reviews of new slot releases, a guide to betting strategies or cutting-edge industry news.

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Ezra Long
Ezra Long
4 months ago

Exploring the thrilling world of Baccarat variations is genuinely enlightening! The breakdown of classic to unique versions like Chemin de Fer brings excitement and curious anticipation to test strategies and experience the game’s rich diversity! 🌟

Elias Castillo
Elias Castillo
3 months ago

Hyping recycled spins as thrilling is misleading and frustrating. Disappointment reigns! 😒