What’s your casino player status?

It’s February again and we are feeling the love this month! It’s all about Valentine’s Day and couples and snuggles. And we are here for it. Maybe a little casino play as well. Even though the closest thing we have to a relationship right now is the connection to the remote control.
If you are in a relationship right now, fabulous. And if you’re not, that’s awesome too. Because no matter what your relationship status. We’ve got just the game to pair you up with this month. Get ready to feel the love, and hopefully the winnings too with some casino play!
Happily single.
This is where we’re at, and we’re here to tell you it’s absolutely possible – single and loving it! You get to watch whatever you want on TV. Starfish the queen-sized bed, and eat cereal for lunch in your pyjamas if you want to. Talk about living the dream! You also get to play what you want, whenever you want at your online casino. The perfect casino play. Because you’re the one calling the shots. And what’s the best game to play when you’re in complete control of your time and your schedule? Online slots of course!
That’s because you’re free to set your own limits on your gaming for however long or little you like. And you can switch between games whenever you want, because you’re in charge. Try something new or stick with an old favourite you love – it’s completely your choice. And if you’re lucky enough to ever win anything. Or even hit the jackpot, then you can spend all your money on yourself. Or not, because it’s entirely up to you. You’re a sizzling, single, slots-playing machine, and the best date to make is one with winning!
Newly single.
Ok, ok we get it, you’ve just gotten out of a relationship and you’re back to being single again. Maybe it was your choice, maybe it wasn’t, maybe you’re happy about it, maybe you’re not. Either way, the question remains, what are you going to do now? We don’t know about you, but whenever we get out of a relationship, we always struggle assimilating back into single life for a bit. And that’s mainly because we’ve just forgotten what it feels like to be single. To be fully in control of our own circumstances without having to compromise or take other people into consideration. Let’s face it, a little casino play never hurt.
So what’s the best kind of online casino game to play when you’re in this space?
Blackjack of course! It’ll get you enjoying the gaming you love. Remembering what it’s like to function as an individual, and relearning how to make decisions that affect you and you alone. Plus there’s no need to talk or socialize or worry about washing your hair or finding suitable clothes. It’s just you against the dealer. And trust us, the computer doesn’t care about what you look like. All it cares about is that you show up. Get a hand of Blackjack on top of that. And it’s the cherry on top of the ice cream awesomeness that is living single!
Looking for love.
So you’re single, but you’re also keen to be not that single anymore? No worries, we’ve got you covered! If you’re wanting to put yourself out there and hopefully find love in the process, we’ve got just the category of games for you. Live dealer casino play!
That’s right, when it comes to making friends in online gambling, there’s no better place than at a live dealer online casino. Thanks to live video streaming. A live casino environment and real life players to interact with. You can chat and meet new people without ever having to leave your home. Of course you’ll still need to follow the rules of chat etiquette. And keep in mind that you’re there to play first and foremost.
But if you’re playing your favourite table games and happen to strike up a rapport with another player. Then that’s winning all round. So take a chance on love and take a seat at a live dealer casino near you today – who knows what could blossom between bets!
In a relationship.
Look at you, you’re in a relationship, yay! Of course finding a partner isn’t where the work ends. In fact it’s just the beginning. If you want to keep the romance alive you’ll need to put in a little effort along the way. Because let’s face it, you can only get away with Netflix and chill for so long. Eventually, there has to be a little casino play.
So what about doing something together and spending some quality time bonding with each other? Sure you can join a book club, go hiking or take a cooking lesson. Those are all great ideas and should definitely be on your list of things to do. But what about learning a new skill together as well – like playing Craps, for example?
Why Craps casino play?
Because unlike Blackjack or Baccarat which are relatively easy to learn and can be picked up in just a single gaming session or two. Craps takes a little more time to learn, particularly if you want to be good at it. So why not learn together? You can take turns discovering what a Pass Line bet is, what a Come bet is, whether getting Snake Eyes is good or bad. What Snake Eyes even is to begin with – the list goes on.
Plus once you’ve learned the ropes and started playing online Craps together. Any money you end up winning can go towards date night out on the town. You know what they say – the couple that plays together, stays together!
Married (with or without children).
Finally we get to the old married couple. Or even the newlyweds if you’ve just tied the knot – congrats! Chances are if you’ve put a ring on it you’ve been together for a while. So if you’re looking for something new to discuss with each other, we’ve got the perfect topic of conversation – online Roulette! Try a little casino play.
The game itself is simple enough to learn and play even if you’re a complete beginner. Just place a bet on either a number or an outcome. And if the ball lands on whichever bet you’ve chosen, you’re a winner! It’s the bets themselves that you can debate together. Whether it’s better to place a bet on a number or group of numbers. Or one of the many outcomes instead.
Are you Team Inside Bets and your partner Team Outside Bets? Discuss! Or go head to head with each other in a game of Multiplayer Roulette and see who comes out on top. There’s nothing like a few thrills to keep a marriage alive!
So enjoy the month of love with our suggestions. And enjoy your online gambling even more while you’re at it. Here’s to winning in love and in life!
Being happily single lets you embrace indulgence and freedom! Enjoy your games and lots of laughs ASAP! 🎉
Seems comfy vibing solo with fav shows & munchies. Online casino sounds like cool fun too! THX! 🎰