How to stay busy when you’re stuck at home!

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 4/07/2020

The vast majority of the world is still on lockdown, quarantine, self-isolation – you name it. The days at home are beginning to merge together and feel exactly the same. Especially if you are not fortunate enough to live on a large property with land. Fear not, we have some tips to stay healthy, active and productive during this standstill period.

  1. Take an online class: Whether it be learning a new language, cooking, yoga – staying busy and keeping some semblance to a normal routine is very healthy for your mind and body.
  2. Fresh Air: Not everyone will be able to walk out of their door and go for a jog, but even opening up a window and letting some fresh air in your space will make you feel immediately better. People who regularly get fresh air have been shown to digest food better, sleep better, cleans your lungs and actually improves your immune system. If there’s ever a time in our life where we need an improved immune system, it’s right now.
  3. Organize: I know this won’t be at the top of everyone’s list but getting to that spring cleaning to-do list will make you feel so much better about your time spent at home. Achieving a feeling of progress will also help you feel as though you are going about your normal routine.
  4. Exercise: I can’t stress this one enough but exercise is crucial to not only maintaining a healthy lifestyle but also to improve one’s immune system. I’m not talking about bodybuilding or crossfit. A light walk around the block gets the blood flowing, stretches your muscles and you are guaranteed to have a much better sleep because of it. Exercise also releases endorphins which as we know, make you feel happy.
  5. Staying social: Just because we are practising physical distancing, it doesn’t mean we have to stop being social. Having facetime calls with friends and family is a great way to stay connected while also keeping everyone safe.
  6. Cook new recipes: If you’re not a cook, we totally get it. However, this is also a great time to brush up on some basic cooking skills. We will also accept baking. If you’re more of a baker, why not try that new recipe that’s been in the back of your mind?
  7. Online games: We had to say it. Slots. Spinning the reels on some of your favorite slots will certainly help the time pass. And, you might even earn yourself some extra cash while you’re doing it.

Whatever everyone is choosing to do during this time, we hope you’re staying safe!


Nicola Davidson

Senior Content Writer

1300 Articles


Nicola Davidson is a content writer with a focus in online gaming. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, she has extensive expertise in casino games, sports betting as well as emerging trends that pop up in the iGaming sector. Content is more than just information. It’s about creating an engaging experience for players. Nicola perfects this by writing reviews of new slot releases, a guide to betting strategies or cutting-edge industry news.

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