Online Gambling News

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 8/07/2014

It’s really frustrating to deal with technology in the United States. While other countries around us embrace it and utilize it properly, we’re constantly stuck twenty years in the past and price gouging for it.

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 8/06/2014

By now, you’re undoubtedly educated on the struggle to legalize online gambling. You know that it’s legal in three states, and that there’s a push to legalize it in more, but there’s a massive amount of opposition to it, specifically, Sheldon Adelson and his group of lobbyists.

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 8/05/2014

Way back in 1996, online gambling had a bad reputation. The sites were known to be virus-filled, and most people stayed away from them. Around the turn of the century, that all changed.

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 7/31/2014

For months, Pennsylvania has had pending legislation in regards to online gaming. Officials in Pennsylvania have been closely watching how Delaware, Nevada, and New Jersey have been doing in regards to the amount of money that they’re bringing in through online gambling. Now, one casino is testing the waters.

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 7/30/2014

The more news that comes out against online gaming, the more it feels like people are fighting against a monster they just don’t understand. It’s been revealed that in addition to Sheldon Adelson and Rick Perry, some casinos are chipping in to try and put a stop to the online gaming movement.

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 7/24/2014

One of the biggest arguments against online gaming is that it’ll hurt land-based casinos. Opponents of the legalization of online gaming worry that websites, especially ones that offer no deposit promotions to drive new customers in, will destroy land-based casino revenue, forcing cities to shut the doors of every land-based casino in their state.

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 7/23/2014

For months now, we’ve been saying several things about online gaming. We’ve long believed that online gaming is safe, fun, and it does nothing but help that state’s economy. By legalizing online gaming, states are essentially saying that they want more money, and magically, it happens.

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 7/17/2014

Over the past few months, you’ve undoubtedly seen your fair share of Sheldon Adelson articles on this site. He’s a major name in the war to legalize online gaming, and he’s determined to put a stop to things.