Online Gambling News

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 1/19/2011

Bank of America’s online banking platform suffered continuous crashing issues all day Friday, January 14th, 2011. We all know that websites incur problems now and again, but this particular matter brought about concerns for a lot of online gamblers in the United States.

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 1/16/2011

If you live in China, you are probably already aware that gambling over the internet is not legal. The World Cup of Soccer is a momentous occasion for sports bettors and online sports betting companies alike. As such, Chinese authorities are taking this opportunity to put a stop to online soccer gambling.

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 1/14/2011

The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) was passed in 2006, and finally received its regulatory guidelines in the summer of 2010. The US government continues to maintain that online gambling is illegal within its borders. So why is it that Americans are being asked to pay taxes on their winnings from internet gambling?

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 1/11/2011

For anyone who has been hanging onto the edge of their seat waiting for the ultimate event in online casino software upgrades, you can finally sit back and breathe a sigh of relief. Android smartphones and Microgaming casinos have come together at last!

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 1/10/2011

As I type this, there is a large group of officials occupying some big high-ceilinged room, seated in their comfortable chairs, discussing a number of political issues that are certainly of importance to the citizens of New Jersey. One of them is whether to enact a regulatory scheme for the legalization of online gambling within the borders of the state.

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 1/07/2011

For online casino aficionados, hitting a nice little jackpot is something we all love to do! It doesn’t mean our lives our changed, but we might be able to buy a nice new car out of it. For one extremely lucky online casino player, however, it became the ultimate life-changing experience!

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 1/06/2011

The United States Department of Justice is continuing to magnify its stance against illegal online gambling, this time focusing on the state of Washington, where internet gambling is officially criminalized by state law. The DOJ seized about $8 million from Washington financial institutions; money said to be filtering through online payment processors for the purpose of online gambling.

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 1/04/2011

If the current economical stance of some major countries – the United States being a prime example – had anything to do with it, industry analysts would never have predicted that 2010 would see such phenomenal growth in the online gambling industry. Thus a 12.5% overall increase in internet betting revenue came as quite a surprise to many experts.

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 12/29/2010

In theory, using gambling to solve a lack of funds is never the right move. In fact, anyone who has only half the money they need to pay their bills, and takes that half to gamble in an effort to win the other half, is what we call a ‘problem gambler’. But casinos in California are proposing that gambling would be the perfect solution to the state’s budget crisis.

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 12/23/2010

With the talk of a regulated online gambling industry across parts of the United States becoming more and more prominent, Caesars Entertainment is making a move to ensure it will have a stake in that business when the time comes. The company recently took up new residence in Ohio in anticipation of striking up an online casino operation in the years to come.

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 12/23/2010

The government of Spain has enforced a very strict smoking ban all across the country, restricting most public places from allowing patrons and visitors to light up. The most infuriated individuals affected by the smoking ban seem to be casino gambling enthusiasts who smoke, as well as the owners of such establishments.