Tips and Tricks

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 9/23/2021

For all you beginners in the slot world, fear not. We are here for you and we’re going to give you a few tips on how to navigate them when you’re just starting out. They are random. What you did or played before will not impact the outcome. Don’t be afraid of Progressive Jackpots. If a progressive jackpot has just recently won, you may not want to play. But, if the jackpot is pretty high, your chances at hitting that... Read More »

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 9/06/2021

If you’re new to playing online slots, don’t be intimidated! We have you covered with a few tricks of the trade in order to guide you along. Progressives slots can be good. Be careful of the amount for progressive jackpots. The smaller payouts will be less however, if you hit the big one, you might just be winning millions. Remember, the payout prize will improve as the jackpot gets larger so you may want to start playing when you see... Read More »

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 9/03/2021

6. Magnet tampering It sounds almost unbelievable – using a magnet to cheat at slots. But while this method is completely obsolete today given how new slots technology works, back in the earlier days of slots play it was absolutely possible to cheat the system with nothing more than a simple magnet. How? Well, given that older slot machines were made of metal, using a magnet could help to manipulate the reels into producing a winning combination. Con artists would... Read More »

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 9/02/2021

We know you’d never actually cheat at slots, but have you ever wondered if it would be possible? To manipulate or hack or fool a slot machine in some way in order to give you the life-changing payout you’ve always wanted? If you’ve thought about it, you’re most definitely not alone – ever since slot machines have been in existence, people have been putting their minds to cheating the system and creating instant paydays for themselves. The downside for them... Read More »

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 7/23/2021

So, you’re thinking about opening your own casino? If it’s something you’re passionate about, it’s a dream that you absolutely can turn into a reality. Take a look at the process you’ll need to follow in order to build your ultimate casino venue, and let’s take the first step towards opening those doors! 1. Check the legalities Before you do ANYTHING, first make sure that it’s legal to operate a commercial casino within your state, province, territory or country. You... Read More »

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 7/05/2021

Looking for a foolproof way to win at gambling? We’ve got all the tips you need… When it comes to attitude The number one way to win when you gamble is to go into it with positivity and enthusiasm. You’re not there to take the house for every cent they’ve got (although chance would be a fine thing) – you’re there first and foremost to play games, to have fun, and if you’re at a land-based casino, to socialise as... Read More »

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 6/30/2021

We know, we know, we’ve already covered our top bankroll management tips. But staying in control of your casino spend is so crucial to your success and your continued game play, we had to bring you even more ways of managing your money effectively in a casino environment. Here’s to better game play and bigger bankrolls! 1. Increase your stake. Yes, we’re aware it sounds counter-productive – how can increasing your bet size help you manage your money more efficiently?... Read More »

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 6/21/2021

What’s the number one golden rule of gambling online? To have fun, of course! And the number two rule? TO MANAGE YOUR BANKROLL! We said it in shouty caps because we really need to bring the point across – that other than having fun, managing your bankroll is by far the most important part of gambling, whether online, or in land-based casinos. Why? Because, simply put, no money, no gambling. By managing your bankroll, not only will you be able... Read More »

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 5/14/2021

We’ve already covered some of the most common online gambling mistakes you could be making – oversights or missteps that could be impacting your playing and your progress. Now let’s take a look at more errors you could unconsciously be making. A few adjustments here and there and you could soon be on the path to success! You’re not spending enough time away from the casino You know how when you discover something for the first time, you want to... Read More »

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 5/11/2021

We’ve already filled you in on how to join online casino tournaments, and what types of tournaments you might find available at your online casino. Now let’s chat about the various formats that casino tournaments take, and which would be the best for you to choose. Spoiler alert: they’re all ELECTRIFYING! 1. Freerolls. Did we see the word ‘free’ in the title, and does it mean what we think it means? Oh yes it does – because Freerolls are absolutely... Read More »

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 4/27/2021

There’s a lot gambling can teach you about playing games, but did you know there’s a lot it can teach you about life as well? That’s right – while you’re learning game strategies, betting odds and bankroll management, you’re learning valuable lessons you can take with you beyond the casino and into your everyday life, to your ultimate advantage. Don’t believe us? Then just take a look at what you’re learning every time you sit down to play. 1. Nothing... Read More »

Nicola Davidson
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Nicola Davidson on 3/31/2021

Live casino play has been a hit ever since it was first introduced as an online gambling alternative – and with current COVID-19 and lockdown restrictions in place, its popularity has skyrocketed! This trend comes as no surprise though – with so many brick-and-mortar casinos having had to close their doors, live casino play is as close to real-life casino gaming as you can find right now, with the added convenience of being able to enjoy it in the comfort... Read More »